Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quilters are the Nicest People

If you are a part of the quilting world then you know that quilters are among the nicest people on the planet.  The other day my hubby and I went to lunch at a busy deli.  This is the type of place where you order your food at the counter, THEN try and find a place to sit.  We had ordered our food and were wandering around pretty hopelessly looking for a table, when I spotted two of my quilting friends motioning us over, inviting us to share their table with them!  We did, and had a delightful lunch.  I really appreciate them setting aside their lunch for two and providing us a place to sit and eat ours.  We enjoyed the company too! (However I did get talked into running for a position on the guild's board from these two board members :)  That's OK
I was thinking about it anyway...)
Yesterday, at the AWESOME guild retreat, another quilter saw me working on my folded fabric ornaments and using her supplies and her time taught me how to make this folded fabric hot pad!  If you're interested in the pattern, she had purchased it from Plum Easy.  She said patterns for square and round hot pads are available from Plum Easy.   I appreciate her taking the time to show me how to make one :)  Talk about generosity.  It just knows no bounds among quilters.
Here are some more things I heard at the retreat that support my "nicest people" statement:

I forgot by seam ripper - oh here, use mine!
Can I use your rotary cutter - absolutely!
Can I use your sewing machine for a minute - sure!
I brought some snacks, would you like to try some? - Yum!
Here, come sit by us! - Thank you!
Can you show me how to?? - yes!
The list goes on and on.  There were over 50 people there, some I knew well and some not so well but by the end of the day I felt like we were all best friends.  That's just the way quilters are :)

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