Monday, March 31, 2014

What a Mess!

I always show pictures of my "quilt studio" when it's clean, but this is how it usually looks - especially when I am right in the middle of a project or two.  I have been working on the modern mini quilt so I keep pulling my color tubs (my stash is in plastic containers sorted by color) out of my closets to pull more fabrics, then I can't get the closet doors closed because the tubs are in the way.  You get the idea.  It's nice to have a dedicated space for quilting and sewing, so I CAN leave everything out and come back later and pick up where I left off.

I am really grateful for my studio/sewing room, whatever I decide to call it.  I remember when my sewing machine was set up in our bedroom and when I worked on a project I spread everything out on our bed.  Well... I had to clean up every night then, or we wouldn't have gotten any sleep!
March kind of went out like a lamb today, but it sure was windy yesterday!  Don't get fooled tomorrow!  The Quilt Show really got me good last year - I'm kind of excited to see what they have planned for tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Some people will read this and wonder if you forgot to post your messy picture!:)
